Matt Passantino
Austin Peters's "Skincare" plays like a movie designed for its star first and concerned about its story second. Co-written by Peters, Sam Freilich and...
"Ghostlight," a film from duo Kelly O'Sullivan and Alex Thompson, opens on a fascinating juxtaposition. As Dan (Keith Kupferer) is getting ready to le...
As "Dandelion" opens, Theresa (KiKi Layne) — who goes by Dandelion — is stringing her guitar. She's headed to her job at a Cincinnati hotel, where she...
On its surface, Luke Gilford's "National Anthem" is not a new film concept. The themes of not fitting in and finding one's chosen family are tried-and...
The portrayal of grief is not a new concept in movies, but it’s safe to say it has never been depicted as it is in “Tuesday.” Writer-director Daina On...
Writer-director Jane Schoenbrun's films are experiences to live within. Sometimes — for better or worse — plot isn't always the most important aspect ...
The first weekend in May signals the start of summer (at the movies, at least). It's a weekend that has been a launching pad for "Spider-Man," "X-Men,...
The characters in "Challengers" have shaped their entire lives around tennis, which is the primary topic of discussion and action throughout the movie...
Actors often approach the promotional aspect of their jobs with dutiful obligation, answering a barrage of similar questions — but if there's anything...
Grimy, sleazy, sweaty, goofy and a great time: these are some of the words that describe Rose Glass's new film "Love Lies Bleeding."This is the d...